Understanding the Link Between High Cholesterol and CVD

high cholesterol news

This study examines the complex relationship between high cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia) and cardiovascular disease.

One of the biggest cardiovascular disease risk factors is high cholesterol. It is easy to significantly misunderstand the intricate link between Hyperlipidemia and heart health. Let’s dig into this relationship to grasp its importance.

How to Understand High Cholesterol

Hyperlipidemia, or high cholesterol, caused by abnormal lipid accumulation in the blood. Lipids usually called fats. Creating hormones, maintaining healthy cells, and protecting neurons require lots of lipids. However, excess lipids may cause the body to retain unneeded reserves.

When excess lipids collect in arterial blood vessels, plaques form. Plaques are atherosclerotic. Now that’s out of the way, let’s examine why excessive Hyperlipidemia causes heart disease.

Heart Disease Risk

Plaque formation may not immediately cause health issues, but it will slowly develop in the arteries over time. Plaque buildup in blood vessels causes atherosclerosis, which hardens the arteries. Any blood artery in your body can develop atherosclerosis, including coronary arteries. This is from Health Hub.

Heart disease or coronary artery disease arises when atherosclerosis damages the coronary arteries. This condition constricts arteries, preventing blood from reaching the heart muscles or slowing blood flow, according to WebMD. Remember that the heart needs blood oxygen to function properly. When the heart lacks oxygen, chest pain is typical.

When plaque prevents blood from reaching a specific heart location, it might cause a heart attack by cutting off blood flow. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy cholesterol level to prevent heart disease risk.

Recognition of Cholesterol Types

It is crucial to remember that not all cholesterol is hazardous for the heart. Lipoproteins transport Hyperlipidemia for circulation. These lipoproteins contain cholesterol and protein. The two main lipoprotein categories are:

Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL): LDL is called “bad” cholesterol because it transports to tissues via blood capillaries and arteries. One reason LDL is “bad”. Unfortunately, “bad” Hyperlipidemia causes heart disease by accumulating in the coronary arteries.

However, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is considered “good” since it transports from tissues to the liver for elimination. This helps make HDL “good”.

Therefore, decreasing total and LDL cholesterol should be the priority. Smoking and saturated fat consumption can raise the levels. Saturated fats found in full-fat dairy, fried dishes, and goat, cow, and hog. Knowing how high Cholesterol affects heart health allows people to take preventative measures to maintain their cardiovascular health.